How to Make Homemade Hair Dye – Natural Remedy for Beautiful Hair

How to Make Homemade Hair Dye – Natural Remedy for Beautiful Hair

When you color your hair, you waste many hours and a lot of money at beauty centers. In spite of a repeated exposure at chemicals, many women choose to a chemical way to color their hair. The chemicals from hair dye destroy your hair. I will suggest you natural ways in which you can color and maintain your hair shades.

How to make Homemade Hair Dye – Natural Remedy for Beautiful Hair

1. Homemade hair dye for blonde hair

The most popular natural remedies for lightening your hair are lemon juice, Rhubarb root and chamomile tea. Obviously, these ingredients will not transform a brown hair in a blonde hair, but in time, will confer brighter shades to hair.

Lemon juice – You can rinse your hair with lemon juice diluted in water. Also, you can put lemon juice in a spray, spray your hair every morning and let the sun to do its job. A lighter shade will be visible in few days and will stay on your hair until it starts to grow.

Chamomile tea – you can rinse your hair with chamomile tea.  You can also mix your shampoo with chamomile tea infusion.

Rhubarb – prepare a mask with rhubarb powder and water. Apply it on your hair and leave it to action 1 hour. Wash you hair with shampoo.

2. Homemade hair dye for brown and black hair

In order to maintain your dark  hair color, I present you a homemade mask with cocoa as main ingredient. If use you this mask 3 times per week, you will notice that your hair will become darker.

  • 1/2 cup of cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar
  • Warm water

Apply the mask on your clean and wet hair. Keep it on your hair 10-15 minutes, then rinse it with water.

3. Homemade hair dye for red hair

Women with red hair are lucky. You can maintain perfectly this color, using natural henna. You can use henna without any combination. Also, you can combine henna with red tea.

Also, hibiscus powder is a great solution to maintain the red color. Prepare a mask with this powder and water and apply it on your hair. Rinse well.
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Say Farewell to Wrinkles Around the Mouth with this DIY Cream

Say Farewell to Wrinkles Around the Mouth with this DIY Cream

You probably give much attention to wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, but it’s good to have respect and care for those around the mouth. They usually appear later, after 30 years, first in the form of fine lines.

The main causes are smoking, sun exposure with no sunscreen, wind, or skin type – especially in the case of dry and dehydrated skin, they occur more often.
To prevent, but also to attenuate them, we advise you to prepare at home a cream with marigold flowers, olive oil and beeswax.

Say Farewell to Wrinkles Around the Mouth with this DIY Cream


– 200 gr. beeswax
– 750 ml olive oil
– fresh marigold flowers

How to prepare and how to apply:

Put all ingredients over low heat and the mixture boil (for a minute or two).

Caution: when you boil them, marigold flowers shouldn’t be wet but perfectly dry.

Leave the mixture overnight and the next morning heat it, strain it and put it in containers. Use this cream on the problem areas on a daily basis for at least two weeks.
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Hair Loss? Natural Remedy – Your Hair will Grow Again with One Ingredient

Hair Loss? Natural Remedy – Your Hair will Grow Again with One Ingredient

Hair loss represents a problems both for women and men. Majority of men do not admit that hair loss affect them, but in my opinion it is pretty embarrassing for them. I know that a lot of chemical products or oils specially designed for hair loss from pharmacies do not work. I will suggest you a natural remedy for hair loss. You will see that your hair will grow again using one ingredient. I can bet that you have the ingredient in the house.

Natural Remedy – Your hair will Grow Again with One Ingredient

Treatment for hair loss with one ingredient:

The miracle ingredients is the salt. Salt have regenerative properties of hair and improves blood circulation on the scalp.Wash your hair normally. Do not dry it. Wipe your hair using a towel.  Take the salt that you use in your kitchen and apply it on the scalp. Gently massage you scalp for 15 minutes. After the massage, wash your hair again.

In my opinion, sea salt is the most suitable for hair loss treatment.  Sea salt is popular since ancient times for its medicinal and beautification proprieties. Sea salt is obtained by the evaporation of saline water bodies. Is rich in 82 essential nutrients taken from the sea. The high content in minerals is beneficial for the skin. Has a moisturizing, revitalization and rejuvenation effect. Sea salt exfoliation helps to remove dead skin particles, strength the tissues, stimulates peripheral blood circulation and helps in cell regeneration.

Repeat this treatment for hair loss 2 times per week, during 2 months. You will see that the result will be amazing! Your hair will be thicker and will starting to grow in all the places where your hair once disappeared.

Also, this treatment will make your hair brighter and give it a smooth texture. In addition, using the salt as a treatment for hair, it heals the problems with dandruff.
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3 Natural Masks That Accelerate Hair Growth

3 Natural Masks That Accelerate Hair Growth

Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in the body, hormonal imbalances and stress are just three of the main causes of the hair loss.

The good news is that there are several mask, homemade, all by yourself, that can help you nourish and increase hair growth.

On average, the hair grows with about 6 cm per year. With these natural treatments for hair growth, you may find that it’s length is bigger even with 3 or 4 cm after only two months of use. For more visible results, try to have a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. So, let’s find out 3 natural masks that accelerate hair growth.

3 Natural Masks That Accelerate Hair Growth

3 Natural Masks That Accelerate Hair Growth

1. Mustard hair mask

For this recipe you need 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of warm water, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of sugar. Mix well all the ingredients and apply the composition on the scalp, without touching the hair length. Wrap your head with a sheet of cellophane and after that with a towel to keep warm. Let the treatment action for almost 1 hour, then rinse the hair with warm water and apply conditioner.

2. Castor oil hair mask

You need 2 teaspoons of castor oil, 10 drops of vitamin A, 5 vitamin E capsules(break the capsules and use their content), 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of half lemon. Mix the ingredients until you obtain a smooth paste. Apply the mask on hair for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse it with warm water.

3. Olive oil and egg yolk hair mask

Mix 2 egg yolks with 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Dilute the result by adding a cup of water, then massage your scalp, easily, with this resulted mask. Allow 15-20 minutes to absorb all the nutrients, then rinse the hair with warm water.
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This Mask Will Make Your Hair Grow in 7 Days

This Mask Will Make Your Hair Grow in 7 Days

There are some ingredients natural that are a real relief for our hair, even when we lose it in big quantities and we don’t find any solutions to save it. In this article I will provide you a recipe that will stop your hair to fall and will make it grow in 7 days. The ingredients are natural and very cheap, but the result is miraculous.

One of these ingredients is banana, that contains many vitamins and natural oils that give a pleasant look, shine and elasticity to the hair. In addition, they help your hair in case is burned. Honey is rich in many healthy substances and it’s very useful when it comes about hair growing because contains vitamin E, K, C, B1, B2 and B6. These two ingredients are the key factor to make your hair grow. But this recipe contain more beneficial ingredients, that will make your hair stop falling. Let’s find out:

This Mask Will Make Your Hair Grow in 7 Days

This Mask Will Make Your Hair Grow in 7 Days

  • 1 banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1/2 cup of black beer
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them
  • Apply the mixture on your hair, cover your hair with a towel and leave the mixture to act for 1-2 hours
  • Wash your hair like you usually do
  • Repeat the procedure one time per week, for 1 month.
Another great ingredient for stimulating hair growing is yeast because it contains vitamin B, yeast, iron, potassium, magnesium and other elements useful for hair growth.

Using this mask you will make your hair healthier, beautiful, richer and longer.
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What Do Your Lines and Wrinkles Tell About You

What Do Your Lines and Wrinkles Tell About You

There is much to tell about a person only by looking at its facial features.

As the time passes, our experience of life is exposed on our face, and we can tell about another person whether it’s in a good mood or not, or if it’s body and mind are in harmony and much more.

Down below is presented how to read the lines and wrinkles according to Ayurveda, an ancient Indian tradition of healing.

What Do Your Lines and Wrinkles Tell About You

1. Horizontal lines on the forehead – these lines appear when we worry. We tend to wrinkle our forehead when we are worried; that’s why these lines are also known as “worry lines”. However, these lines could also mean that there is an excess intake of sugar, water and fat in our body.

2. The right vertical line between eyebrows – this means that maybe you have liver problems.

3. The left vertical line between eyebrows – perhaps you have spleen problems.

4. Deep horizontal groove at the top of the nose – this means that you’re predisposed to allergies or that your sex appetite is low.

5. Crow’s feet – these wrinkles mean that you have a poor sight, caused by you glaring. Also, this could mean that you have liver problems.

6. Bags or dark circles under the eyes – these signs indicate water-retention and maybe kidney problems. Also, this is a sign of poor blood circulation.

7. The delicate area at the center of the cheeks – this indicates a sinus congestion, and perhaps digestive problems.

8. Red nose tip – this signals heart problems, maybe your too tired and your heart is over-working.

9. The deep vertical line at the side of the mouth – this indicates weakness in your reproductive system.

10. Noticeable laughter lines – these lines indicate that you love to laugh, but also it may show pancreatic problems or diabetes.

11. The vertical lines above top lip – these lines indicate that you are a smoker, and also the lack of sex drive.

12. Different spots on the lips:

– whitish spots – may indicate parasites in the colon;
– blue-purple spots – this indicates poor circulation, because of costiveness;
– dark spots – they may also indicate colon problems.

13. Double chin – this is often a sign encountered at over-weight people, but it also can indicate thyroid gland problems.

14. Ring around iris – this is a sign of high cholesterol.

15. Noticeable temporal vein – this is a sign of high blood pressure, caused by agitation or stress.

16. The deep groove on the chin – this is a sign of depression or frustration that one is experiencing, or it can indicate a strong sex appetite.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, our facial lines and wrinkles present the connection between our body and mind.

Also, I divide the face into 3 sections – forehead, nose and cheeks, and the mouth, chin and neck.

This Indian healing tradition, Ayurveda, states that on the forehead are seen problems related to colon and signs of stress, nervousness and anxiety. Furthermore, the nose and cheeks indicate problems with the small intestines and signs of irritation, jealousy and disappointment. Ultimately, the mouth, chin and neck area show the problems with the chest and stomach and signs of anxiety, depression and affection.

This article is just a basic guide to face reading. I would suggest you to pay attention to the lines and wrinkles on your face, maybe your body has a problem with the internal organs, and it’s trying to let you know about that. But, if you are not sure about something, it’s better to consult a doctor and dispell all doubts.
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10 Tummy Tightening Foods

10 Tummy Tightening Foods

10 Tummy-Tightening Foods We’ve all heard it: Abs are made in the kitchen. Furthermore, it couldn’t be all the more genuine! The following are a couple of nourishments with fat-blazing properties to help you with this feared errand of weight reduction. Simply recollect: nobody sustenance alone can carry out the occupation. You have to have an arrangement and a reason. Ensure you are eating the best possible measure of calories for your body and practicing routinely also! Here are a couple tummy-fixing sustenances to get you destined for success to a slimmer summer.

10 Tummy Tightening Foods

Oats with Cinnamon: Oats are an awesome begin to your day. They will keep you full while the cinnamon has characteristic thermionic properties, expanding your digestion system.

Grapefruit: Grapefruit brings down insulin levels, which advances weight reduction and a quick digestion system.

Red Peppers: Peppers contain capsaicin to help you to blaze that determined fat.

Almonds: Almonds are an extraordinary wellspring of protein to keep you full and your digestion system kicking.

Salmon: Salmon is stacked with omega-3 unsaturated fats, which is gainful for fat misfortune.

Avocado: While avocados are viewed as a fat, they are a sound fat, which your body needs to use as vitality!

Blueberries: Blueberries are stacked with cancer prevention agents, and they are additionally low in sugar and awesome for a sound, low calorie nibble!

Green Tea: Natural caffeine can accelerate your digestion system and keep you invigorated to smolder more calories for the duration of the day. In addition, green tea contains cell reinforcements to free your collection of poisons.

Chicken: Chicken is an extraordinary wellspring of incline protein. By putting more protein in your eating regimen, you can bring down the measure of starches you take in while advancing weight reduction.

Sweet Potato: Sweet potatoes are incredible for keeping your glucose levels stable while advancing a superior, quicker digestion system.
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How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach and Hips in 2 Weeks

How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach and Hips in 2 Weeks

You’ve got just two weeks to shrink your belly and hips before swimsuit season or that high school reunion. You can certainly jumpstart a weight-loss plan and see some results in two weeks, but how much depends on your starting weight and commitment. You can’t target just your belly and hips for weight loss, but a low-calorie plan that focuses on whole foods along with dedicated exercise will help you look — and feel — better for your big event.

How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach and Hips in 2 Weeks

Understand Your Hip and Stomach Fat

If, however, your stomach is larger than 35 inches around as a woman, or 40 inches around as a man, you have an abundance of visceral fat. This fat is particularly insidious as it weaves around internal organs and secretes compounds that increase your risk of health problems, such as heart disease. Because visceral fat is more metabolically active, it is also more responsive to exercise. When you first drop weight through diet and exercise, you can lose visceral fat from deep in your belly sooner than you can drop the subcutaneous fat.

Skip the Two-Week Fad Diets

Two weeks gives you time to start instilling good habits that support a healthy body weight. Aim for a safe, reasonable 1- to 2-pound-per-week rate of weight loss by creating a deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories a day. You’ll eat fewer calories and move more. The good news is that when you reduce your portion sizes, curb your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, limit sodium and exercise more, you’ll lose significant water weight in the first two weeks. You’ll likely drop more than 1 to 2 pounds those first two weeks and significantly reduce water retention, so you can still look slimmer at your event.

Commit to Comprehensive Weight Loss

Eat mostly whole, natural foods such as lean proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy and whole grains. For an easy way to control calories and eyeball portions, fill half your plate with watery, fibrous vegetables — such as lettuce, broccoli, kale, cauliflower and peppers. Then, reserve a quarter for whole grains, such as brown rice or 100-percent whole-wheat bread.

Fill the last quarter with a protein low in saturated fat, including fish, chicken breast, tofu and lean ground beef. Aim to consume at least 0.6 gram of protein per pound of your body weight per day. For a 150-pound person, that’s 90 grams of protein a day. This amount helps preserve lean muscle mass as you cut calories, keeps you feeling full and supports weight loss beyond the two weeks. Since you have such a short deadline for weight loss, avoid sugary treats, alcohol and refined white-flour products completely.

Kick Up Your Fitness

If you aren’t currently exercising, use the two weeks to become more active. Add a 15- to 20-minute brisk walk every morning and evening to achieve at least the 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio recommended per week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Any additional physical activity you squeeze in helps burn calories, too. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, pace while on the phone or walk an extra loop of the mall when shopping.
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